Roger Dyson Job Application Form


Roger Dyson is striving to be an equal opportunities employer and welcome applicants regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation or disability, amongst others.

The information provided on this application form will remain private and confidential and will be used for the purpose of selection / recruitment. Where the application is successful Roger Dyson may, from time to time, wish to process this information (as updated periodically) for personnel administration and business management purposes.

Where this is the case, processing will take place in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Acts 1998. By completing this form you will be providing Roger Dyson consent to use the information enclosed.

Position Applied for
Personal Details
  • *
Previous Employment
Work related training courses and certification

(For example - First Aid, Manual Handling, Slinging, Welding ect)

Further Information

Please record any additional information you feel would be useful in support of your application. This will help us to see how you feel your particular skills match up to the requirements of the job. It is therefore important that you tell us as much as possible about yourself in relation to all the items listed in the job description.


Please enter relevant licence numbers below

Forklift (please specify the relevant type and specify details inc. size)


Please give details of two referees, if possible one needs to be a previous employer. You should have known the following people for at least two years, they cannot be family members and cannot share the same living accommodation as you.

Reference 1

Reference 2


I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief, all particulars I have given are complete and true. I understand that any false declaration or misleading statement or a significant omission may disqualify me from employment and render me liable to dismissal. I understand that any job offer is subject to references and (if the organisation believes appropriate) a medical report, all of which must be deemed satisfactory.

If applying online your signature will be required on this application form if you are invited to an interview.

Equal Opportunities at Roger Dyson

Roger Dyson aims to be an equal opportunities employer and we select solely on merit irrespective of race, sex, disability etc. In order to monitor the effectiveness of our equal opportunities policy, we request all applicants to provide the information indicated. This form is confidential and will be kept separate from your application. It will not form part of the short listing process.


The following information about your disability needs will help us to provide the support you require. Do you have any disability, health or learning problems which may affect the kind of work you can do? (this may include colour vision defects, asthma, dyslexia or hearing problems)


I confirm that the information supplied regarding equal opportunities and rehabilitation of offenders is correct.

Please type in the value of this image